Here you will find descriptions of the eight subcommittees that make up Town Hall. Each of our subcommittees are based off of the MSC’s core values (Diversity, Excellence, Integrity, Leadership, Loyalty, Respect, Selfless Service). If you are selected after the interview process, you will be placed in one of the following subcommittees. A member can change subcommittees at the end of the semester period if desired.

Advertising, Marketing, and Promotions

The AMP subcommittee is responsible for a large portion of advertising for Town Hall’s events, including creating flyers, banners, newspaper ads, sandwich boards and poster items. They are responsible for creating and distributing surveys through email, website, and our concert events in order to gather information from TAMU students on how to enhance the quality of Town Hall’s programs and image. AMP is the subcom that runs Town Hall’s social media pages and designs/writes our newsletters. AMP is constantly looking for new and creative ways to advertise Town Hall’s name through stickers, slogans, and promotional items.


Coffeehouse provides an opportunity for A&M student musicians, comedians, poets and entertainers alike to show off their talents Wednesday nights between 5pm-7pm in the Barnes and Noble bookstore of the MSC. The committee is responsible for all programming and musical aspects of these shows including Coffeehouse themes, finding and booking acts, running sound equipment, and all other aspects of the show (especially publicity). Coffeehouse’s atmosphere strives to be casual yet focused by historically providing eclectic, innovative and rootsy music by songwriters and performers from jazz, folk, poetry, hip hop, jam bands and indie bands.


The Lunchbox Concert Series at Rudder Fountain occurs approximately once a week from noon-1pm. Bands range across every genre from rock to country to folk and everything in between. The subcommittee is in charge of finding bands and running the entire show. An open schedule on at least one of the following timeslots is required: MW 10:30-12, MW 12:30-1:30, TTh 10:30-12, TTh 12:30-1:30.

Student Development

Student Development (StuD) is an internal subcommittee with the mission of creating an enjoyable and welcoming atmosphere for all of Town Hall. We plan and run retreats, social events, EPs/LPs (our version of the Big/Little program), as well as General Committee Meetings. Our most important job is ushering in an atmosphere that allows for lifelong friendships and bonds to be formed. The StuD subcommittee is the glue that holds MSC Town Hall together.

Large Scale Events

Large Scale Events works on booking, programming, and operating MSC Town Hall’s large shows. LSE members work with their execs to discuss potential artists for music or other entertainment. Once an artist is chosen, it goes through the program approval process. LSE will then continue communicating with the artist’s agent. Members will also work with their executive for ticketing, member volunteer lists, and with the AMP subcommittee for marketing the show.

Fundraising & Development

An important aspect of MSC Town Hall is promotion and establishing business contacts within the Aggie community. It is Fun.D’s responsibility to reach out and make contacts with companies, parents and former students to raise promotions and funds for Town Hall. This year Fun.D will be very involved in developing an annual giving campaign with our former members.

Special PA Members

SPAM is the force that makes Town Hall’s shows run smoothly. We are the audio professionals that deal with the technical details. As a member of SPAM, you will make sure the Town Hall sound system is positioned and setup properly. Additionally, SPAM is responsible for running sound at every Town Hall event. This allows the beauty of the performances to flow through the ears of the world. You’ll get hands on experience working with musicians all while learning the ins and outs of running a show. An open schedule for at least one of the following time slots is required, but more are recommended: Wednesdays: 4:30-7:30 and/or 8:30-9:30, Thursdays 10:30-1:30.

Special Events

Special Events (SpEv) are any events or concerts that do not fall within the job descriptions of the other committees, specifically larger nighttime performances. The SpEv committee is responsible for all aspects of putting on an event: from finding the performer, setting up the stage, and working the show. SpEv programs often revolve around music, but can also involve other forms of art and entertainment, such as poetry. In addition to creating events from scratch, members in SpEv have the opportunity to co-program with other organizations on and off campus in the community. Each semester, a minimum of three events will be put on by members.