Contribute to MSC Town Hall
Thank you for considering donating to MSC Town Hall. Your contributions help provide live entertainment to the Texas A&M campus.
Before donating, please read the following instructions carefully to ensure your contribution goes specifically to MSC Town Hall.
The Texas A&M Foundation has tax exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions made may be deducted under section 170 of the Code. Market value of all benefits and gifts received in exchange for contributions made must be subtracted from this deduction. Please consult your tax advisor as to your particular situation.
Contribute By Check
If you prefer to make a contribution by check, please make your check out to “MSC Town Hall” and send it to the following address:
Memorial Student Center – Town Hall
1237 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843
Contribute Online
If you would prefer to make your donation using a credit card, please go to the Texas A&M Foundation website here, and follow the online instructions:
- Indicate the dollar amount you wish to give.
- Complete your personal information.
- Complete your credit card information
- Click to review your gift.
Support us with new equipment!
SPAM Equipment
Soundcraft Faders ($35 each)
Two of the faders on the soundboard, which control the instrument volume, are no longer working. These are OEM replacements that will drop right into the soundboard and fix the issue.
They are critical to the ability to use the essential functions of the console, as there are only 16 total faders.
Soundcraft Stagebox with Option Card ($1368)
The stagebox will allow SPAM to handle bands with more than the 16 inputs on the soundboard. In addition, it eliminates the need for an analog snake, which significantly cleans up the stage. All the inputs and outputs are transferred over a single ethernet cable. It is a small, lightweight addition that simplifies loading in and loading out of a venue. It can be placed on stage, so all the inputs are routed to it, and then no snake is required to run to the console. Most professional sound applications use stageboxes with digital snakes, which gives SPAM members more relevant experience.
Multicolor XLR Cables ($50)
When loading in bands, SPAM frequently runs out of cables to route everything where it needs to be. In these cases, SPAM has to resort to low quality cables. Adding a few more cables will ensure these scenarios never happen again, and allow more of the stage to remain set when multiple bands are performing. In addition, these cables are color-coded, so it is easier to identify what instruments are plugged into each input.
Behringer Cable Tester ($45)
A cable tester is a great tool to be able to identify issues on site. When problems arise, a cable tester can point to an issue immediately, and allow SPAM to determine which cables are still good and which ones need to be replaced.
sE Electronics sE8 Small Diaphragm Condenser Pair ($549)
These are high quality mics with many applications. Primarily, they would be used as drum overhead mics, capturing cymbals and hi-hats. However, they could also be used on acoustic guitars, violins or other instruments. Right now, SPAM does not have drum overheads and uses mics not designed to capture overhead sound.
AMP Equipment
Camera Backpack
Our current camera bag is the default Canon bag that came with our current camera. It is very boxy and has a single strap so it is very uncomfortable to shoot photos while holding it. Members often have to put the bag down to shoot efficiently which leaves the rest of the gear in the bag at risk if no one can watch it. It is also very small and we currently have equipment sitting in our advisor’s office cabinet because it doesn’t fit in the bag. This also makes the gear less accessible for members to use as they would have to carry it separately from the bag. Having a larger, backpack style bag will allow members to keep all of our gear with them while they are shooting. There is room for all of our camera gear to be kept and organized in this one bag. This will also allow students to have a better shooting experience as the bag is conveniently on their back instead of handing at their side. The bag is also weatherproof so all of the gear will be safe in unexpected weather strikes during an event.
Canon EOS R Camera Body
Canon EF-EOS R Mount Adapter
A good quality camera body is a tool that MSC Town Hall is severely lacking in. We can not emphasize enough the importance of a good quality camera body enough in an organization that puts on a majority of its major events during the evening and night. Even with someone proficient in photography using the camera, let alone an amateur member learning photography, it is nearly impossible to take usable photos at our concerts. If we didn’t have experienced photographers using their own gear we would not have usable photos to represent our programs. The main problem with our current camera is its inability to shoot at night with a high ISO. The camera body we are asking for is known for having an exceptional performance at low light and with high ISO. One of our current AMP executives has experience with this camera body and has been shooting our programs on it for the past year. With its simple user interface and touchscreen, it is very user friendly and perfect for members who are new to using a professional camera.
The EF-EOS lens adaptor will allow us to use the lenses we already have with this new camera body. The majority of cameras with the capabilities we need are going to take EOS lenses whereas the lenses we currently own are EF. Getting an adaptor is significantly more cost efficient than buying new lenses and will allow us to utilize the gear we already have.
Below are examples of unedited photos taken at the same event on our current camera and the Canon EOS R. As MSC Town Hall grows it’s time that our gear grows with us and we are able to fully represent how successful our programs are.